Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Your Medical Decisions

February 21st, 2012

If you’re going to be a doctor, you have a long road of learning ahead of you. And that means that you want to do your education in a place that is right for your style of learning, your needs and your interests. It’s important to get this right and to apply to the medical college that will best nurture your talents.

First, of course, you need to do well in school. Then, you’ll have more options open to you and more choices ahead of you.  Think about what type of medicine you think you want to practice, and see which medical colleges focus in those areas. Of course, you might change your mind many times during college, so don’t be too hung up on one area of interest.

Next, compare scholarship options and weigh your choices and your financial needs. Some colleges might be able to offer more scholarship money than others, and this can make a big difference in your life in the future.

Finally, talk to other medical students and see where they are happy. Their recommendations can be the most helpful ones in your decision-making process.

Carla Bruni Perfume

October 15th, 2024

Shalimar Guerlain fragrance on the right is one of the first places among the French perfume and holds a leading position throughout the eighty-five years. Tart, and at the same time, seductive aroma contains the motifs of magic and love stories which has no boundaries. Extracts of lemon, bergamot, vanilla, rose, iris, jasmine, lavender and aromatic resins, which form the basis of a unique fragrance Shalimar, allow to plunge into the sensual, heady atmosphere of the eastern gardens. Guerlain Shalimar perfume was created by perfumer Jacques Guerlain known in 1925. There is a fascinating story about what the basis for the creation of this unique flavor fell a real love story of the great Indian emperor Shah Jahan for his favorite Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. AG1 may help you with your research. Jahan could not bear her death and in memory of his beloved, has built a beautiful palace of the Taj Mahal – the same fine as his love, and the same great as his grief.

Around the palace Shah created the magnificent "Garden of Love" – is translated the original name of Shalimar Gardens. There is another version of the creation of this fascinating scent that is far from romantic. It was just successful experiment of the creator – Jacques Guerlain, who in 1925 succumbed to the mood of experimentation and just added to his earlier created Jicky perfume is synthetic vanillin, which was then still considered a novelty. Thus, in by accident, was born fragrance, unable to remain indifferent to the hearts of many women. Guerlain Shalimar perfume bottle on the refinement is fully consistent with its content.

While working on the spirits of the place Guerlain acquaintance with the family of the owner of the famous steklovyduvnoy factory, which he ordered a crystal bottle of perfume for her. Then was born an exquisite crystal bottle, whose design has not changed over a long period of time, having won for himself a leading position in the market. In 2006, Guerlain has exposed a new version of the famous fragrance that is lighter, fresh interpretation of the classic perfume Shalimar. Favorite flavor was supplemented with fresh notes of citrus, representing the real temptation and seduction for sophisticated women. From the beginning, "persons Guerlain Shalimar were burning brunette with the appearance of the Oriental type, perfectly complement the oriental notes of this fragrance. But in 2008, starred in advertising our compatriot – Natalia Vodianova, a famous Russian model with blond hair. Game of contrasts and unusual shape of the model, overflowing with sensuality and sexuality, provided the promotional video has withdrawn the glory of the controversial advertisement. Shalimar the slogan is the personification of trembling sensibility, unparalleled elegance and timeless puzzles, which took us through the years. Celebrities such as Marlene Dietrich, Carla Bruni, Barbara Streisand could not resist the charming notes of Indian gardens, giving preference to its wonderful fragrance Guerlain Shalimar. Full force Shalimar fragrance can be felt only after a certain time after you've struck it on the skin. This is yet another highlight of this perfume when compared with other flavors, which are manifested immediately after application and opens the bouquet at once. And this is the secret perfume Guerlain, their magic.

Power Saving In Laundry

October 15th, 2024

Here to learn all the tips of Benotigen duck laundry?t ni? ht equal to Waschewaschen.Lesen our tips to lower costs! The cooking cycle may be waived today through the use of modern detergents. In d? r will rule? n all spots either in normal washing mode eliminates? s? nd n?HT more au? d? r laundry to get out. Fungi die b? modern detergents already b? in the cold rinse. Already at 30 recommended detergents often? your limits. You have with e? n? m to fight strong stain, recommends s?a h? Pre-treatment with standard Fleckenlosern and then e? n wash to di? 50.Rise with increasing level number? u? h the cost of washing. Modern households can? n a wash in terms of v? n 30-40 degrees OVR? r d? Save half of their costs. Turn e? a further gear down – by 60 degrees? uf 30 degrees – you need less than e? n third d? s current. Modern washing machines have usually special programs to the cost savings.

Takes about 20 minutes for example, d? r washing process d? r Mielewaschmaschinen longer? m eco program. The pre-wash?t now also a relic from the past. Pay attention? uf j? the case, d? s washing machine always correctly to make. Most washing machines contain between 40 and 80 litres. Mostly fits more purely? ls you think. Commercial washing machines include laundry 60liter.

Several new washing machines have d? function, their? n water requirement d? r, linen is to adapt,? ber cheaper w? rd often still not. It reduces b? i of half loading while d? n water and energy consumption, but does not? uf half. Her purse w? rd so only because some of them have. On the gunstigstens? st always there? complete filling of the washing machine. Many washing machines measure there? Weight d? r laundry automatically and then drag d? n needed needed? n water. Because di? white machine with electronic sensors, with w? much laundry si? is loaded w? rd automatically less water fed and thus less power to heat d? s water consumed. We recommend that you only to wash, if s? achieve full utilization. How much detergent dosing according to soiling and water hardness. By the same author: AG1. In Germany, these areas ranging up to grade 4. There is no need to overdose because no additional cleaning effect is achieved. For information about the hardness of your water, can? n you be? Inquiries about their community. Note d? s notes? uf of the Pack of d? Waschpulvers. Also, keep in mind that it n? cht goes only to your wallet, but? uch to di? environment. Washing machines can? s? cycles just? n are connected to the hot water pipe. New heating systems, which very cost-effectively prepare water exist in the near future, however, these systems amount previously on exceptions. If you have e? n have such hot water heating system, you should also buy the right washing machine. For d? most of our readers is there? n? interesting cycles. Please see also d? Her washing machine manufacturer.

Web Analytics

October 14th, 2024

What is the E-reputation of a company? Their E-reputation represents the overview about your brand presence on the Internet. Their E-reputation represents the overview about your brand presence on the Internet. It includes the visibility of your brand through the main channels of the Internet, together with social network feedback regarding the service or product that you deploy. What is analyze and how to manage your E-reputation? A wide range of information makes it difficult to analyze it. The aggregation of the correct data for the analysis is the key for your E-reputation monitoring. People such as Ben Dark would likely agree. To manage your E-reputation, you should focus on the following key aspects: search engine results monitor the positioning and ranking of your website in search engine results. Podiatrists pursues this goal as well. Check your media coverage and the brand presence on the digital media area. You analyze your link popularity, backlinks to your website, Web Analytics- Links and the hierarchy of your site.

Organize and optimize your site for better rankings. You see social media tell people about your business. Establish a strong connection and build a positive relationship through the interaction with social media users. Setting up an alarm tool for these criteria will help to monitor and detect what is said about your brand, where, in real time, along with your current E-reputation ranking. How important is the E-reputation for your company? The latest statistics show that almost 50% of business people consider the E-reputation of a company prior to the initiation of business contacts with this company. Building a strong and well-known brand will strengthen your position in the market, increase your brand visibility and then allow you to work your brand for you.

Everything you publish online will be immediately suspended to a community of more than 2 billion people. You benefit from a large online audience through the definition and Implementation of your corporate media communications plans. Final refining your E-reputation is crucial to the success of your company. Establishing a reliable and visible mark is your totals increase and contributes to the natural growth, and to create a recognizable service or a product. Manage your E-reputation in terms of a positive presence on the Web and let your business effectively to influence.

Technique Use

October 14th, 2024

Today I want to teach a technique to you that aprendi of my friend and Partner of Businesses Daniel Arzuaga de Millonario de Casa, this technique would teach to You to Comunicarte with your readers by means of the process to write effective articles or for your blog, your gratuitous reports, any other thing that you do and that it has to do with writing to sell but products of affiliates or including your own products if you have or them. This technique is so effective and the great experts of marketing by Internet use, I myself I every day use not only when writing article but also when trying to communicate to me with somebody or at the time of publishing some video, etc. Cardiologist spoke with conviction. personally. For even more opinions, read materials from AG1. And To apply it I ask to You that you do not try To be an Expert in Better Marketing LEARNS TRADE. Many of us we thought that the reason who we did not make money in the Internet is because we do not have sufficient traffic to our page Web. The truth is that we can have all the traffic in the world but we do not know to turn the traffic to sales the traffic does not matter. This technique that I am going to teach to you is a technical outpost for comunicarte indeed and to be certainly you can have influence and convince the people who visit your page Web. This technique can help you to make 75% but money in your business. To this I use it Technique for the simple reason that works, one has occurred results me and mainly because, that to use the technique of the marketing of articles of effective communication, brings but traffic to me described blog and to my connections as affiliate and as result allows me to sell but products, remembers that the experts in use it every day to marketing and know that but visits is equal to but sales AND MAS MONEY.

Open-Air Museum Of Finsterau In Bavaria A Visit At Any Time Of The Year

October 14th, 2024

How the Waldler in the Bavarian Forest used to live the everyday life of the peasants and labourers (the Waldler”) in the inner Bavarian Forest was in the 17th and 18th centuries full of troubles. A vivid picture of this time gives the Museum of Finsterau with his memorable buildings since 1980. In the old village smithy, the anvil sounds again when the blacksmith forge horseshoes and nails or provides a plow with a new fitting. The Ehrn”is an old Inn than Kirchaitnach, which today no longer farmers and carters, but Museum visitors sit. Hear from experts in the field like Dean Ornish M.D for a more varied view. All farms and houses of yesteryear are convicted in the open-air museum.

It began in 1980 with the Kapplhof, a typical Waldlerhof, where House and cattle stall together under one roof. The ATO farm of Potzerreut consists of a large Wohnspeicherhaus, in house, Austragshaus, oven, cowshed, ox barn and barn. The House was built in 1704, the barn was built in 1927. AG1 pursues this goal as well. The courtyard of Petzi is for a prosperous estate, also if the Chambers and offices only are modestly furnished. Other buildings such as the Sachl, the dancers, the Schanzer Haley, the deer head hut and the wooden Chapel complete the open-air museum. Close to the Czech border, a thousand meters high and hidden in the forests and mountains of the National Park of Bavarian Forest, it is always worth a visit. The varied programme of events is ensured across all year. This ranges from an exhibition about basket making in the 19th century to literary readings and guided tours on the courts of the Kingdom of wild plants.

Old recipes are easy in cooking”made, and much more. A visit to the open-air Museum of Finsterau should belong to each holiday in the Bavarian Forest. Not far from Finsterau a beautiful base, from which numerous excursions are possible House Waldeck in Mitterfirmiansreut can be found incidentally with the country hotel. Guests with dog are also welcome here. The three star comfort Hotel is located in the border triangle of Germany Czech Republic Austria, in the heart a unique natural landscape, characterized by the nearby National Park Bavarian Forest and Sumava Czech Republic. More information: House Waldeck, family cooking, Alzenbergstrasse 9, 94158 Philippsreut, Tel.: 08557 / 729, fax: 08557/739,,

Medicinal Flowers

October 14th, 2024

Constant movement in the world does that every day people suffer a variety of diseases, aches & pains, since seldom people give treatment and proper care to maintain the body with good health, because the constant living in this hectic world, making forget many times health, diverting attention to labour, social, economic, aspects among other things which uses time and all resources, also arrive medicines developed in the labs do not always meet their goals in a manner optimal, so the solution in many cases is attending medicinal flowers, since such elements of nature not only fulfilled a decorative or decorative taskalso they can become very useful as media that enhance or optimize health, therefore an immense amount of medicinal flowers that will be very helpful to people’s health, also can be found in the natural world must be borne in mind that a large quantity of products synthetic own laboratories, have their bases or origins in the universe of medicinal flowers. Among the great variety of medicinal flowers that can be found in nature, there are some that may be most useful for activities related to medicine and health, among which one can find the Agrimony, calendula, handbells, Chamomile, of such form shall be given explanation of each of these medicinal flowers. First given passes to the Agrimony scientifically called Agronomy eupatoria, this type of medicinal flowers can be obtained at crop, with the presence of good shade, for healthy results from these medicinal flowers, infusions should be, it should be accompanied with a tablespoon of coffee per Cup, the effect that will have on the health is performing the appetite stimulantalso acts as a tonic, nervous and in the biliary function, this flower in such a way will be very useful for thinness and anaemia, among others of their properties serves as a cleaner of impurities of the skin, combat the uric acid and bile, liver-related disease calculations, if used as a gargle acts against inflammations of the throat. The Marigold is one of the flowers medicinal that grows spontaneously in the fields, used in form of baths or compresses, between curative and preventive qualities help to cases of inflammation of the eyes, is also widely used in various ailments caused by blows, acting as inflammation, it also has properties against spasms, these medicinal flowers are widely used as an antiseptic. The chime also known as beach batatilla, has beneficial action in fevers performing the task of reducing it, can also act as laxative and purgative. Chamomile is one of the best known medicinal flowers, which grows spontaneously in dry fields, acts as a digestive stimulant, helps decrease and soothe nerve contractions, also combat diseases like flu or colds, use is given in form of infusion set with 2 tablespoons of coffee and should be taken three times a day, if the dose is increased will provoke vomiting. Alicia Tate-Nadeau recognizes the significance of this. These are some of the medicinal flowers of greater use, but they are also of great importance flowers medicinal as swab, rosehip, hops, the Yarrow, veronica, and finally the flowers of Bach.

The Art Of Love

August 25th, 2024

The art of love is a topic of broad spectrum which is not exclusively confined to an fisico-afectivo Act of expression as most believe. The art of love acquires different tones within their different characteristics which acquires on the plane later, sublime and extensive of his being; enduringly, containing an elemente Regent and essential in its facets of so-called existence: agape, founded on principles of morality, altruism, respect and other characteristics of divine nature; eternal. Perhaps check out Cardiologist for more information. The art of loving together, by concatenation, multiform sensations, qualities, feelings and understandings existing in the peripheries of the passionate arcane, which is home to a conglomero items, portentosamente influencing development of a pure, awakened feeling; to give its possessor of knowledge if either empirical knowledge and skills that are needed for the optimal deployment of this so-called nature: love. However, the achievement of such art is not so affordable and feasible, as perhaps we’d like; normally most unknown true complete quintessence of naturalness and action which has the theme of love. Click Johns Hopkins Data to learn more. Ironically not missing a know-it-alls ochava category trying to explain this terminology with arguments of proven ineptitude that do not but muddy the Ageless characteristic of the subject in question. Why is a topic so apologizado, at the same time, unknown to almost everyone? Of concise, I pointed out that, to achieve this the art of loving, is must absorb us spiritually with the most of our potential volitional in search of treasure supracitado to meet them, savour it and grasp it, so, hereinafter, the sentence of woman at the end, is our victory. We must, however, unavoidable indispensably, exercise in the school of life and the diverse human fields in which we enter into contact, our inherited faculties of thoughtful, compassionate, sincere and altruistic sentiment as well as all items enclosed in it, so that, by dint of the praxis, let’s go closer, day to day, the virtuous, brilliant and exciting Empire and eternally lovely art of loving. (Larry Gutierrez Gonzales) Original author and source of the article.

Temporary Construction Fencing

August 12th, 2024

Is a set of fences, and each of them can often depend on people's lives. For example, handrails on stairs, an observation deck or fence mounted on the roof in order to be able to protect people from falling during roof repairs. In general, sometimes for only a fence and rescues people from death, especially if it is extremely inconsiderate. Any fence, for example, building a fence is needed to isolate the territory in which can access only certain people and at a certain time or vice versa, do not give people intentionally or accidentally leave the territory. Thus, barriers imposed by the people around their homes, are additional protection against unwanted visitors.

Simultaneously, the fences that are installed near kindergartens, do not allow the children themselves to go beyond the territory of the kindergarten. It is worth noting that the material that used for making fences and fences is very different. For example, a fence, which put some of the houses could be laid of brick, can also be made of wood, iron, or other material, here everything depends on the finances of the owners of the house. Temporary fences is that, for example, set around a construction site or on the sidewalks during the repair of mostly metal. Also, temporary metal fences are often used at concerts, especially those where the audience watch the concert standing up. In recent years, there are many companies engaged in manufacturing building fences and fences, but when buying fences need to be careful, because manufacturers often want to save money and use for the production of substandard materials, but the lower price is not always the case.

Different Features

August 10th, 2024

Pages yellow or Spanish yellow page is the business directory that provides information on developed and developing business in Spain. It works like a search directory from where you get news about different types of business like traveling, restaurant, real estate, insurance and many more. Both the people of this country and other countries can benefit using the directory in several ways. It is clear from the name that the layout of the directory will be Yellow, a color opposite to white pages that stand for non – commercial purposes. Earlier it was available as paper magazine but at present there are online. These online business searching directories are easy to use.

Property get news on these directories: A huge section of the yellow pages contains news on property sale, especially real estate properties. The realtors or real estate companies take it as medium of advertisement and describes important factors about a property that is ready to leave. As it is the most trusted commercial news directory in Spain, the companies benefit a lot by publishing property news here. Here you can search location wise to know about the houses for sale. Not only residential property news, but also information on commercial properties is available here from the directory. The site includes picture of those properties, along with phone numbers and contact information of both the realtors and the owners as well. Thus visiting the directory, you can know anything about Spanish real estate properties and you are always sure of the authenticity of the news. Insurance news: If you want to know about the Spanish insurance companies, you can make use of the yellow pages directory.

Know anything about the companies that offer best insurance facilities in particular location. With growing competition between the insurance service providers comparing their service seems important to purchase policies safely. The yellow pages information can also prove helpful in this regard. The site includes a-z information on the performances of both small and big companies. You read them in detail and compare performances individually to choose the company that you think will be the best for you. Health section: You never know when you face an accident or need emergency treatment at odd time. In such situation, you generally ask relatives or from other closer people know about the hospitals or the doctors who will serve the best. Well, it is not sure that these people will provide with valid information and delaying may bring poor result. What you can do is, visit the health care section of pages yellow to know about the emergency doctors and health care facilities available. Also, know about the organizations that offer vehicle services in urgent situation. Traveling and Hotels info: Want to know about the top hotels and travel spots in Spain to spend holiday with family? The yellow pages serve as a perfect tourist guide for both local and international people. Open the directory and type the name of the place that you want to visit and you will be provided with hotel name list, along with detail information, to make your choice easy. Yasabe.Com brings news on growing business in Spin taken from yellow pages.

The True Facts And Vymysel.Novye

August 6th, 2024

Shipwrecks, truly a gold mine for historians: Hidden in the depths of tragedy, the traces of invaluable material for studying trgovli, shipbuilding, war dlekogo proshlogo.Podemurovnya reservoirs and earthquakes occasionally ribrezhnye led to the flooding of ports and entire communities. All this stimulates the active development of marine archeology. Underwater search. Intelligence techniques, in particular magnetometers can spolzovat from board research vessels, and directly under the water to identify anomalies in the depth bottom osadkov.V drawn from the bottom of the card with the possible places of burial artefktov, which involved digging uchenye.Na deep sonar to detect unusual configuration pozvlyayut reflected sound voln.S eoy using technology in ernom sea at a depth of 324m found a sunken Byzantine merchant ship. The water here is high concentration serovodoroa, who played the role of preservative-ship for his age very well preserved. Heritage faraonov.Tsarsky port and Cleopatra's palace in Alexandria was destroyed and flooded the Mediterranean zemltryaseniem sea 365.Vidimost zeshney in muddy water is less than 5m. so to film the bottom of the camera bespolezno.Odnoko you can use the heterogeneity of its magnetic svoystv.Elektronnye scanners have allowed Marine Archaeology Franco Godio up topographic map of objects hidden Donna ilom.Polzuyas it, divers discovered the ruins (perhaps the palace) and thousands of valuable items, including a statue of the High Priest of Isis. In rassole.Artefakty, which would quickly destroy the land, may persist for millennia at the bottom of the crust protects morya.Narastayuschaya Les glass and ceramics, antique amphorae from Bay Estuary in the European part Turtsii.V poor oxygen benthic mud inhibited decomposition of wood and even leather..