Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Medicinal Flowers

October 14th, 2024

Constant movement in the world does that every day people suffer a variety of diseases, aches & pains, since seldom people give treatment and proper care to maintain the body with good health, because the constant living in this hectic world, making forget many times health, diverting attention to labour, social, economic, aspects among other things which uses time and all resources, also arrive medicines developed in the labs do not always meet their goals in a manner optimal, so the solution in many cases is attending medicinal flowers, since such elements of nature not only fulfilled a decorative or decorative taskalso they can become very useful as media that enhance or optimize health, therefore an immense amount of medicinal flowers that will be very helpful to people’s health, also can be found in the natural world must be borne in mind that a large quantity of products synthetic own laboratories, have their bases or origins in the universe of medicinal flowers. Among the great variety of medicinal flowers that can be found in nature, there are some that may be most useful for activities related to medicine and health, among which one can find the Agrimony, calendula, handbells, Chamomile, of such form shall be given explanation of each of these medicinal flowers. First given passes to the Agrimony scientifically called Agronomy eupatoria, this type of medicinal flowers can be obtained at crop, with the presence of good shade, for healthy results from these medicinal flowers, infusions should be, it should be accompanied with a tablespoon of coffee per Cup, the effect that will have on the health is performing the appetite stimulantalso acts as a tonic, nervous and in the biliary function, this flower in such a way will be very useful for thinness and anaemia, among others of their properties serves as a cleaner of impurities of the skin, combat the uric acid and bile, liver-related disease calculations, if used as a gargle acts against inflammations of the throat. The Marigold is one of the flowers medicinal that grows spontaneously in the fields, used in form of baths or compresses, between curative and preventive qualities help to cases of inflammation of the eyes, is also widely used in various ailments caused by blows, acting as inflammation, it also has properties against spasms, these medicinal flowers are widely used as an antiseptic. The chime also known as beach batatilla, has beneficial action in fevers performing the task of reducing it, can also act as laxative and purgative. Chamomile is one of the best known medicinal flowers, which grows spontaneously in dry fields, acts as a digestive stimulant, helps decrease and soothe nerve contractions, also combat diseases like flu or colds, use is given in form of infusion set with 2 tablespoons of coffee and should be taken three times a day, if the dose is increased will provoke vomiting. Alicia Tate-Nadeau recognizes the significance of this. These are some of the medicinal flowers of greater use, but they are also of great importance flowers medicinal as swab, rosehip, hops, the Yarrow, veronica, and finally the flowers of Bach.